Aims and values of the SHARE programme
The broad aims of the SHARE programme are to:
a) improve the quality of young people's romantic and sexual relationships, particularly in terms of reducing anxiety and regretted sexual behaviours;
b) reduce the incidence of unsafe sex; and
c) reduce the rate of unwanted pregnancies.
It is comprised of a five-day teacher-training programme plus a 20-session pack for the 3rd year of secondary school (aged 13-14) and 4th year (aged 14-15). The programme takes a harm reduction approach to young people's sexual relationships. The main emphasis of SHARE is to teach pupils social skills to establish and maintain satisfactory boundaries to their intimate relationships, and to take appropriate precautions if they have sexual intercourse. Given timetable constraints, prioritising skills development inevitably excludes other important elements of sex education. SHARE is therefore seen as only one part of what should, ideally, be a broader curriculum of sex education starting in primary school.
In line with recent findings on the most effective programmes (Kirby, 1999), SHARE not only clarifies issues involved in deciding for or against 'healthier choices', but also presents clear behavioural values. In inter-personal terms it advocates improved communication to reduce the emotional risks of sexual relationships and to negotiate taking precautions; in physical terms it teaches that the safest way to avoid the risks of sexual relationships is to abstain from sexual intercourse, but that if one does have sexual intercourse the safest approach is to use condoms effectively.
The programme does not presume pupils' heterosexuality and attempts to be inclusive of differing sexual orientations and identities.